The Union of Great Britain [with Scotland] (202_)

The Union Jack of Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland &,

[The Scotland Act 1998, 2012, 2016] & [The Constitutional Reform Act 2005]

A. Scotland is to be Nationally Self Governing.

B. Scotland will retain the acts of passed union acts:

C. To Retain & Continue the Relationship with the Crown of Great Britain, The United Kingdom. [The House of Windsor – Currently – and Beyond].

D. Scotland will have Ownership & Control of its Land, Sky & Sea [Surround International Limit] and all value there-in [Allowing for any Crown Retained Privilege].

E. Scotland will continue monetary union with The ‘Sterling’ of Great Britain.

F. Scotland will continue with combined military union. [Fiscal share to be agreed every 5 {or longer} years].

G. Scotland will maintain its own Judiciary up to the [it’s National] Supreme Court.

H. Scotland will take Full Control of its National Health Service. [Any combined elements will be agreed separately by the Scottish government or Scottish Government appointed body].

I. Scotland will Retain a customs union with England [& Wales & Northern Ireland] [Unless Scotland joins the E.U – Then id cards will need to be carried {and presented upon authorised request} by anyone crossing the Scottish-English border at an immigration border or beyond, at any time].

J. Scotland is to be represented in the Parliament of Great Britain by [a minimum right of] sixteen representative peers and [a minimum right of] forty-five members of the House of Commons.

K. Scotland has Full Control of its National Taxing [& Fiscal] Policy.

L. Scotland could agree to The New British charter of Human Rights.


M. Scotland will retain the option of joining the new Constitution of Great Britain [for Great Britain and The Commonwealth] (202_).

N. Scotland will have trade & investment access to the HM Commonwealth [Subject to individual commonwealth agreements – currently].

, The Republic of Ireland [are The British Isles]