Weekly Life Style - What is your perfect daily day?

50+ Metres x 1.5-2m wide. 1k per day, minimum.

Geting a daily [ordinary day] Routine - Enjoyable [or at least a tolerable routine as worthwhile] and some interests and hobbies to keep you busy in addition to the framework of your daily Routine, helped me order my mind [when i had time of my-own] and gave me the peace to assess and to develop planning options [or day-dreams]

Start Every Morning with [123] [and swim some Lengths, ideally in your own on-suite pool lane]

[1] Polite-ness, [2] Respect-fullness [with cautious [3] A Kindly nature [as the best human protocol] Proceed daily..  


My perfect average day begins when I wake up at 09:00. I make a cup of tea [green/black 50/50] with skimmed milk no sugar. Open any mail and make a pile for attention later. Tea finished I head to the swimming pool [ideally through the double doors at the end of my bedroom]. A 1.5 to 2 metre wide and 50metres long lane. Depending on how I feel and the day ahead, I swim 250m to 1000m lways Front Crawl. 

Breakfast: My own mix of Swiss muesli [basic oat heavy but with a few more raisins and mixed nuts with the essential quantity of walnuts, with occasional chopped dates.] eaten dry with another cup or two of tea or a pint of skimmed milk. Nothing, plus tea/milk, A thick slice of wholemeal grannery toast, A Flapjack and combine the two and you have Yorkshire Parkin. Or if at a good hotel: Eggs Benedict.

Complete mail, check email, browse news headlines, tweet/post satirical comment for irresistibles.

Go – do any chores prioritizing fee paying money hours and or attend to any business interests/projects. Always looking forward to a drive in a fun car.

Lunch: Whole meal thick cut sandwiches, as many as I want. Green/black tea, skimmed milk, O.J or Pink Grapefruit juice, or more skimmed milk.

15:00 big swim 1000m timed. Write time on poolside nobo board. Climb onto a padded bike saddle [light weight town bike with wide tires no suspension] cover route A. 5 miles. Or route B. 5 miles to 400m track – run 5 laps – 5 miles cycle home.

If at my sun crib – lounge, sun, cool dip – Fun drive in a fun car – to a food market, buy fresh fish or meat for grill/roast and choice veg selection for dinner.

17:30 Shower 2 – Watch tv news – scan guide for late movies or concerts or drama or golden. Dress for evening sunset drink / social friend/s. Enjoy Beer/Champagne type in my arm chair / on a veranda / terrace / or any number of appropriate style bars. Restaurant choice: I love a window with a menu or a Chef/Cook. Out tipple Kir Royale or and Rothschild’s Reds. Cognac Louis Tres. Single malt Laphroaig, Rum golden light spiced. Czech Larger, & malty I.P.A's  [Warning: Alcohol over 2 units is poison]

If out, return from bar/sunset drink – Put on background music. Prepare dinner. Eat. If a healthy choice then roasted meats/fish with vegetables.

Relax with drink. Switch to headphones – Ramp up speed / energy / cool jazz / funk / chill – subdued lighting heavy on red – lightbox options audio reactive. Smokes green - [Northern lights - nice light high] Grass is a personal solo thing. Enjoy, mind slows floating sharp. Takes Shot. Add 2 co-codamol for a deeper mong-out [Purple Haze memories] Water always to hand. For 'the horrors' antidote is Sugary liquid and fresh air.

A good lone day ends.

Nothing against adding quality choice company+ but I do not much feel comfortable with men personally, particularly in my home. 



Water quality is critical to the value of water. Contaminated water is to health what sea water is to steel. Water is the simplest of cleansers and balancers. A great interest and enjoyment can be had from understanding and experiencing water purity [impurity in fact] from the many and various good specific sources and methods.


Food is One of the Greatest Pleasures in the experience of Life.

Weather one is trying to lose weight or gain weight, the food you choose to nourish your body can and should be enjoyable.

In this world of plenty that we live in [that includes the starving, excluded as a bi-product of greed & corruption] it is all too easy to eat more calories than we need. Additionally, our world of convenience means that we rarely have to run from predators or compete or forage for food to stave off hunger. Our genetic programming also directs us to like high calorie foods such as fats and filling carbs.

A Healthy diet that fits the amount of exercise that is part of your chosen life style that also includes all of your favourite items and recipes is the best diet design.

If you are trying to lose weight then cutting out sugar, carbs and fatty oily foods is key. If you are trying to gain weight then adding a good quantity of cake to your usual daily dietary habit is the easiest way to add the highest calories in the smallest quantity.

If you are weight perfect then enjoy your chosen weekly diet design with your treats day or cheat days, as works for you.

If your weight is fine but you would like to change your body shape then exercise [specific for body zone changes] is the way to go. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat.


My Mind-Set Life Style: 

The highest human atribute by far is Kindness.


Always be Polite with [default Respect for the 'individual'] and with caution, proceed with  Kindness as your default [ideal]

Do no more than flirt with negative emotions

Establish An Emotional Neutral state - a place you can switch to with one deep breath in and exhalation and you are – At your Fallback default – Observation management point..

Do No Harm - accepting that we are all subject to and causative of, varying possibilities of the butter fly effect. The key is intent [being mindful of the principle] to Mind or Body.

Above all and by far the most preeminent quality of a person can have and show is kindness.




Sprint - Olympic

1. The Swimmer 1k a day.