A Totally new attitude to usable value

I know this is just entertainment [my scribble] but there are 3 reactions to China’s flexing of muscle number one:

1. The US are hesitant, confused and reactive to China's threat to move on Taiwan. [UK style – post 1920]

2. The US know that China has new muscles and is waiting for the bell to deliver their above language to them with justified big dick swinging twerking dominance.

3. What you hear from the US is the strategy, to keep the peace but letting China know [quietly] that they are the little yellow charlie chan on the US bloc of planet Earth. They are being given a slightly limp wristed quiet reacting ‘opportunity’ to move on Taiwan. If they do it will not be in an election year and because sleepy Joe might be gone or deceased around 2024, China’s opportunity is 2022/3. After that Kamila or Trump or Howard Stern or whoever is not likely to be anywhere near as liberal or conscious of the value of life as Joe Biden.

One must also remember that not only is Taiwan, China’s first intended move of muscle success but that there is a much bigger game in town. That of Revenge upon the US. That brings in Russia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Turkey and half of the other middle eastern countries at least. The temptation of eliminating the US from geo-governing-politics might ally local enemies for a greater good. The worry for China and its ally’s is that China’s attitude to Islam [Muslims] is plain to see and will no doubt be a future project of genocide. After all flushed with one huge success [Hitler after & his Blitzkrieg of Europe] what/who would China do next?


China's Threatening Language:

My other picture looks like a traffic jam on the M1

Tibet, Taiwan, The South China Sea, Japan dispute, Korean peninsula issues, China & the E.U & China in Africa:


1. A brief overview:

2. China’s attitude [ideology]:

3. The One China Policy [Possible Global Ambition] & the shared methods by the E.u:

4. The failure to see democracy as an unthreatening soft force for harmony, cooperation [& the potential of efficiency] against the workload of corrupt national & international administrations malevolence:

"I'm getting old & I'm chomping at my Russian bit to either Use It or loose it!"

1. In 1950, the newly established Communist regime in China invaded Tibet, which was rich in natural resources and had a strategically important border with India.

With 40,000 Chinese troops in its country, the Tibetan government was forced to sign the "Seventeen Point Agreement" which recognised China's rule in return for promises to protect Tibet's political system and Tibetan Buddhism.

"Treaties and similar agreements concluded under the use or threat of force are invalid under international law ab initio". Therefore, this Agreement is not considered legal by those who consider Tibet as an independent state before its signing; but it is considered legal by those who deny Tibet's independence. In either case the PRC did not abide by the agreement.

Tibet was not ruled by the Chinese government prior to the 1950 invasion. In 1912, the 13th Dalai Lama - Tibet's political and spiritual leader - issued a proclamation reaffirming Tibet’s independence and the country maintained its own national flag, currency, stamps, passports and army. It signed international treaties and maintained diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries.

In 1950, many states that are today stable democracies were undemocratic and did not respect human rights. The 14th Dalai Lama was a teenager when his country was invaded and was never able to govern Tibet independently. In exile, he has won the Nobel Peace Prize and has entirely democratised the exiled Tibetan government. In contrast, the Chinese government continues to have no democratic authority or interest in democratic inclusion.

‘It’s true that whilst Tibet maintained a unique culture, written and spoken language, religion and political system for centuries, it has never been a nation-state in the modern sense of the word.

At times in its long past, Tibet has influenced and been influenced by various foreign powers, including Britain and the Mongols, as well as China.

However, the Chinese government’s claim that Tibet has been part of China for around 800 years isn't supported by the facts.

From a legal point of view Tibet remains an independent state under illegal occupation, a fact that China wishes it could whitewash from history.

The TAR has autonomy in name only. In reality, the most senior political position there has never been occupied by a Tibetan and Beijing is in charge. The official language is Chinese, with many Tibetan children losing their ability to speak and write Tibetan. Resistance to China's rule - from singing to environmental protests – is met with repression and brutality.

The official Chinese media said: “The regulation prohibits the use of religion as a tool to sabotage national security, social order or China’s education system, or to damage ethnic unity or carry out terrorist activities.” This reflects China’s intention to add ideas and notions of ‘state security’, ‘religious extremism’ and ‘terrorism’ to the law, thereby linking religious activity directly to politically charged crimes. Thus, in conflating the law with these, the regulation will give scope for the penalization of almost any peaceful expression of Tibetan identity, acts of non-violent dissent, or criticism of ethnic or religious policies. Chinese authorities have already been clamping down on normal Tibetan religious activities by maintaining that these are ‘separatists’ or that they disrupt social order. This regulation will lead to an even more repressive situation — particularly in Tibet — that violates international human rights standards.


China Says;

Tibet was absorbed about 800 years ago during the Yuan Dynasty, becoming an inseparable part of China. It has not been a country since and no country has ever recognised Tibet as an independent state.

From 1950 to 1959 China peacefully liberated and democratically reformed Tibet, ending the old feudal serfdom where brutality was rife; a hell on earth with the backwards masses enslaved by landlords and priests. This culminated in Serf Emancipation Day in March 1959 when the Tibetan government was declared illegal.

Since China peacefully liberated Tibet it has seen glorious development: 

There has also been huge investment in infrastructure, jobs, housing, schools and hospitals.

The Free Tibet movement is supported by Western anti-China forces. Human rights are China’s internal affair and Westerners who have never been to Tibet have no right to speak against China’s policies.


China and India have renewed a war of words over the north-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, a Tibetan Himalayan region claimed by Beijing, after China said it would ‘standardise’ six place names in the ‘Disputed’ territory.

The announcement of the new Romanised spellings for three towns and three mountain passes by China’s ministry of civil affairs is the country’s latest move to stake its claim over an area that came under formal Indian control in a series of 19th-century boundary agreements between The Manchu Qing Empire and The British Government in India. 

India responded on Thursday by insisting that Arunachal Pradesh was ‘an integral part’ of India. ‘Nothing can change that’, the foreign ministry in New Delhi said. “We have an established bilateral mechanism to discuss the boundary question with China and it has made progress. We seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution to the boundary question.”

Beijing’s current claims over Arunachal Pradesh — which it calls South Tibet — rest on its control over the rest of Tibet, the vast mountain territory it invaded and seized in 1950. The decision to release new names follows a dispute over a visit to a Buddhist monastery in Arunachal this month by the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader who lives in exile in India.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said the ‘standardisation’ was in line with Chinese regulations on the management of geographical names:  “These names reflect from another angle that China’s territorial claim over South Tibet is supported by clear evidence in terms of history, culture and administration.”

We are expected to die. Those of us that survive will be irradiated & Replaced by Android Multi-Purpose Units


Fragmentary human remains dated 20,000 to 30,000 years ago have been found on the island.

The first known settlers in Taiwan were Austronesian tribal people thought to have come from mainland China apprimately 6,000 years ago.

The island first appears in Chinese records in AD239, when China sent an expeditionary force to explore - a fact Beijing uses to back its territorial claim.

Han Chinese fishermen began settling in the Penghu islands in the 13th century.

The pivotal role of the US was most clearly shown in 1996, when China conducted provocative missile tests to try and influence Taiwan's first direct presidential election. In response, US President Bill Clinton ordered the biggest display of US military power in Asia since the Vietnam War, sending ships to the Taiwan Strait, and a clear message to Beijing.

Mr Chen was re-elected in 2004, prompting China to pass a so-called anti-secession law in 2005, stating China's right to use "non-peaceful means" against Taiwan if it tried to secede from China.

China's plan does not need many aircraft carriers.

South China seas & islands claim:

China has long argued its sovereignty to the area under the ‘nine-dash line’, in which its vessels sailed as far back as the Han dynasty 2,000 years ago.

"China enjoys indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea and the islands.’’ 

The South China Sea is thought to have significant oil and gas reserves and is a route for about $4.5tn (£3.4tn) in trade. There are giant fisheries and lanes for half of all commercial shipping. The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, has vowed to resolutely defend his countries interests in the region.

The Philippines said; ”Some of the waters in question are ‘within the exclusive economic zone’ of the Philippines.’’

An Indian foreign ministry spokesman responded, "The Chinese had concerns, but we are going by what the Vietnamese authorities have told us and [we] have conveyed this to the Chinese." 

The Indo-Vietnamese deal was also denounced by the Chinese.

About $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes through the ‘South China Seas’ each year which are contested by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The UN Convention of the Law of the Sea normally stipulates a 200 nautical mile zone off the coast for economic exclusivity. But China claims 90% of the area, a much larger zone.

China has upped activities in the South China Sea in recent months to further entrench its presence in the region. It has used dredging ships to pour sand on coral reefs and turn them into islands. On these islands the Chinese military has installed missile launchers, runways, barracks and other security facilities.

Possible forms of retaliation include landing fighter jets on airstrips Beijing has built in disputed areas, declaring an air defence identification zone

“It is very difficult for China to play the victim card when you look at the scale and speed and content of what it has built and put on the islands.”

Russia has backed Beijing’s position that direct talks should take place.

‘’A major problem with this claim is that it fails to distinguish between geographic features considered as ‘Islands’ or ‘rocks’ under UNCLOS.’’

‘’The reason China engaged in extensive land reclamation is because they needed it to build airfields since China only has control over reefs.’’

In May 2014, the introduction by China of a drilling rig into waters near the Paracel Islands led to multiple collisions between Vietnamese and Chinese ships.

Obedience or Death.

Japanese issues:

At the heart of the dispute are eight uninhabited islands and rocks in the East China Sea. They have a total area of about 7 sq km and lie north-east of Taiwan, east of the Chinese mainland and south-west of Japan's southern-most prefecture, Okinawa. The islands are controlled by Japan.

Japan says it surveyed the islands for 10 years in the 19th Century and determined that they were uninhabited. On 14 January 1895 Japan erected a sovereignty marker and formally incorporated the islands into Japanese territory.

Japan says China raised no objections to the San Francisco deal. And it says that it is only since the 1970s, when the issue of oil resources in the area emerged, that Chinese and Taiwanese authorities began pressing their claims.

China says that the islands have been part of its territory since ancient times, serving as important fishing grounds administered by the province of Taiwan.

Taiwan was ceded to Japan in the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, after the Sino-Japanese war.

When Taiwan was returned in the Treaty of San Francisco, China says the islands should have been returned too.

Separately, Taiwan also claims the islands.

On Thursday after four Chinese coastguard ships and a drone aircraft entered the territory, Japan scrambled warplanes.

"China is escalating the situation unilaterally, and this is totally unacceptable."

Christopher Soprano's fat idiot brother

South Korea:

China reiterated its opposition to the deployment of THAAD, but noted South Korea’s position and hoped South Korea could appropriately handle the issue, it added.

“China’s position on the THAAD issue is clear, consistent and has not changed,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a daily briefing in Beijing.

The installation of the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system had angered China, with South Korea’s tourism, cosmetics and entertainment industries bearing the brunt of a Chinese backlash, although Beijing has never specifically linked that to the THAAD deployment.

Underscoring the continuing threat from North Korea’s nuclear program, the head of South Korea’s weather agency said on Monday that another powerful blast at the North’s underground test site could destabilize the area and send radioactive material into the atmosphere.

North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests since 2006, all of them in tunnels buried deep under Mount Mantap in Punggye-ri, in North Hamgyong Province.

South Korea and China on Tuesday agreed to end a dispute over the deployment of an advanced American missile defense system in the South and to restore their economic and other ties.

“Speaking of size and muscle, I believe everyone knows well who has the largest size and muscle in the world,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said in a press conference in Beijing on Friday, in response to US President Barack Obama’s expression of concern that China was using its “sheer size and muscle” to push around smaller nations like the Philippines that have claims in the South China Sea.

China was also criticized for lack of transparency and intended strategic purpose in its defense spending increases. Beijing defended the growth of their military budget, saying it is necessary to protect China’s interest, sovereignty and border.

A US think tank pointed out that the lack of official transparency in the budget and China’s intended strategic purpose were seen as worrying with the increasing assertiveness of China as seen in the region of the South China Sea.

The E.u's plan for global government. One less eye than Gordon 'Lenin' Brown.

China & The E.U tomorrow:

Germany, France and Italy are pressing Brussels to play a bigger role in protecting some of Europe’s most innovative companies from what they see as politically motivated Chinese acquisitions.

Hostile takeovers, the acquisition of cutting-edge technologies and restricted access to foreign markets led to unbalanced trade relations between Europe and its biggest partners, in particular China.

Amid the social unrest caused by globalisation and growing inequalities, the European Commission is considering levelling the playing field by bolstering its trade instruments.

‘Some’ EU countries have their own rules to protect strategic firms, but this would be the first at the EU level and would go beyond the usual scope of such measures which are usually related to national security.

The “Buy European Act”

The European Commission welcomed Germany, France and Italy’s proposal to halt China’s buyouts in Europe, in some cases, given the ‘Limited Access’ to the Chinese market.

Haha! Despite the constant rhetoric we are fed about global free trade being at the centre and supported as a priority for the economic future, the truth is free trading globally is a Fatalistic Risk coming vividly into focus under the public opinion radar. At which point the Government will change its tune / narrative about the truth of Free Trade, will most probably be when the next generation of politician governors arrive and relieve the current governors of having to admit that Trump was Right that global free trading was a Rape by foreign powers and Capitalist Globalists that have no care or responsible link to any nation state or Unionised governments beyond commissions.

Occupation comes after the silencing of Twangy dominant English.

China in Africa tomorrow:

In 2014 alone, China signed more than £56bn in construction contracts across Africa. Since the turn of the century, Chinese firms have built stadiums, highways, airports, schools, hospitals and, in Angola, an entire city that still stands empty. China has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into African governments and infrastructure. In return, it has reaped hundreds of billions in commodities.

The boom market for natural resources such as oil, steel, gold, manganite and platinum, lasting roughly from the turn of the century to 2013,

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (Tazara) line, to be paid for in full by the Chinese, was the beginning of what Beijing promised would be a “win-win relationship”, a kinship based on mutual need to fend off shared antagonisms.

Billions of dollars of development money was promised, and a new age had begun.

China purchased raw materials to fuel development at home, while massive state-owned organisations entered the African market, China and sub-Saharan Africa’s economies were effectively coupled: when graphed, they mirrored each other, alongside Chinese-made goods and half a million Chinese migrants.

Almost 50,000 Chinese engineers, translators, project managers and labourers were contracted to the project, with a further 100,000 Zambian and Tanzanians filling out the workforce. All of this was funded by China with an interest free loan, to be paid back over 30 years, with a 10-year grace period.

Was this nothing more than an old-school land grab, orchestrated by Beijing in a tidy neo-colonial manoeuvre? That was certainly the implication of the earliest news coverage. But on closer inspection, Moddernfontein was just an ambitious real estate play that required big injections of private equity from South Africans. 

China may well be the catalyst Africa has required to leap forward into the future. But with the pros come some serious, unanticipated cons. 

Between the People’s Republic and dozens of African countries, neither Tanzania nor Zambia would pay anything close to their share – this was less a ‘partnership’ than ‘a gift’ it was pointed out.

Obedient to the Chinese or

China's President Xi Jinping has arrived in Zimbabwe, making him the most prominent global leader in many years to visit the country.

I am told there are several bid deals, spanning manufacturing, agriculture and mining, waiting to be signed.

Government sources say the Chinese are hesitant to pump money into Zimbabwe because of its uncertain political climate.

President Mugabe is turning 92 in three months and the Chinese want guarantees that their investments will be safe if there is a change in leadership.

Have you guy's got any Yuan?

Nevertheless, there is a begrudging recognition that China has mostly benefited Africa and that the country’s participants on the continent have learnt lessons. Just as past colonialist countries are shutting the door to African’s fleeing because of economic hardship or war torn countries that they see as basket cases without assets and for whom the only interest is the fight against Islamist’s, China sees millions of Bankable employees primed to roar through the remainder of the century as a force in Africa, and beyond.

Is this the dawn of a new colonialism, they wonder, or a new scramble for Africa in which the continent is once again left in tatters?

Or is it the beginning of an era during which Africans can shake off old colonial masters and look elsewhere for direct investment, aid and a sustainably prosperous future?

Time will tell but for now China are exporting China and aside from the central government fixation and the crushing of all outside of the ‘One China Policy’ or who question any central plan, All is Rosy and growing for those on the Chinese Locomotive, on the belt and road and why not? There are more and perhaps better ways to drive human society into a bigger better future than gridlocked stagnated democratic mediocrities, betting their futures on yesterday’s ideas with no vision for a future beyond just more rapid reactive actions. 

J-35 is a piece of garbage. We need a Top British Fighter & a medium range Striker - No more multi-roles or joint collaborations.

2. China’s attitude [ideology] and the unnecessary energy wasted and a missed opportunity:

China has a Dominant government that has not gone through a modernization of selective [elective] administrative value. While the Chinese Central Party has modernized its thinking in the 21st Century and prospered well with good plans for China in a future, Chinese government is missing a connection to its people beyond being a resource to reward for peaceful servitude and growth. The people contain a vast wealth of thinking and imagination that could flap its wings [if freed] to serve Chinese interests and Greatness. As I have said in a previous article, There is nothing to fear [in happy free development & inclusion {where merited}] but Refusal. The concept principle that I am referring to would be a first as a trueism, and put China with its Strong and [Joint] leading clear visionary government at The Vanguard of human governments to date. [Eg]

In Tibet [‘’Religion is Poison.’’] {I Agree.} But it is part of human society’s history to today. Like all history that survives and is enduring, it is part of a [the many] human cultures that Like the regions of China’s varied social customary beauty {Your Cuisine and its stunning varieties} is worth preserving for as long as it is Cherished in customary life Style.

With Tibet you missed an opportunity to capitalise on an asset and enhance its value [Mutually] to turn Tibet into one of the most precious high value tourist destination on The whole Planet.

I mean, do you think domination and violent control was a Great example of an indigenous mineral excavating culture, to take control of a region? Is that the way you regard and treat your women in a marriage?

Lets endeavour to keep it this way and collaborate on expanding humans beyond planet 1 Earth.

3. The One China Policy [Possible Global Ambition] & the shared {much older} methods by the E.U:

As I am who ‘I am’ you can see my allegiances and priorities of ambitions. If you do recognise me then you know That I stand {Represent} Human Success. I see [and we have} a number of neighbourly conflicts.

Those conflicts are more than bickering competition [that could escalate] when there is a bigger wolf at the door, that could be quashed with ease if we [conflicted] were to unify ‘for purpose.’ Our [The differences & root conflicts] would and should [subjected to natural evolutions] remain on top / by the side of our collected [Singular] Ambition; To manoeuvre, duck and get the fuck duck ‘Us’ into space, before our Thermo Dynamic Recoil Kicks the shit out of every inch of living space with the quietist least violent parts of planet earth, delivering only [Compared to] a Constant Class4 fluctuating Cyclone building to Class6 fluctuating 5-4-6 for hundreds of years, planetary wide. [The storm will be the least harsh of the events] And once again only the meek will inherit the earth. Belt and Road will benefit us all, especially if you/we add, drift and orbit and expand. [With cultural respect and neighbourly legal fences respected too.]  

We do not want to become someone else's archaeology.

4. The failure to see democracy as an unthreatening soft force for harmony, cooperation [& the potential of efficiency] against the workload of national & international administrations:

To recap, {and Theresa May is a poorer example than almost any harmless or violent government today} There is a keen and potent energy in our youth [at entering university] that is currently unharnessed {in a wider world} The dimorphic feelings then manifest as frustration and resentment for unfairness or [lack of freedom or opportunity] and the visible injustice of imbalances.

Do not misunderstand me [I do not mean the lack of socialism] Fairness means opportunity throughout the years of life and the joy of striving, expanding and exploring the wonderful place that we have been born into and encapsulated by our brilliant glorious paternal/maternal governments [model of life] structure for us, that occasionally includes us [if that is where our interest, talent & energy is directed] to serve the purpose of the greater good and our ambitions, individual and the collective ones. Or other interests and endeavours that should include a philosophical attitude of self improvement, from a key foundation of teaching example, ][individual][human global and national [cultural] standard and pride.

For under the current set up in the liberal ‘west’ China could inherit the whole world by simply exporting people. In time citizenship will be granted or [in some areas] births will provide access to elective opportunity and with the export and birth growth, democracy will give you the country under Chinese control by Grand Father/Mother over lord vision, ambition and the unity by the happiest of loyal people.

Democracy is an open door for Any long-term venture of planning. Vaporisation is just carbon released [and a failure] to harness endeavour. Our endeavour is currently survival. We need cooperative understanding to both take humanity to the next big step and win life, beyond this geological event.


Britain can build good designs cost effectively when gov stops being a Dumb useless willy