
The Parliament of Scotland

Regional governing [as with local government] is seen as an essential way of public responsibilities being exercised by the authorities closest to the citizens. The variations of differences of local circumstance and needs are best addressed at a local level by those familiar with those variations of circumstance and need.

Devolution of the nations of Great Britain was seen as needed and wanted by the regions. Devolution was commenced by the Blair Government.

Unfortunately an end circumstance or system was not described from the outset in the design plan for Devolution. Thereby creating a potential conflict between the devolution of expected power & executive freedom/latitude, between Westminster and the devolving regional governments. This is resulting in a fight for retaining power by Westminster, undermining the concept of devolution and leading to a greater drive for regional independence [particularly by Scotland] that is threatening the national elements of the overriding Treaty of the Union 1706 & the acts of the union 1707.

An agreement is urgently needed to give Scotland all of the devolution that it envisages while preserving the benefits of the Treaty & acts of the union.

If a final devolved agreement is not forthcoming or possible a more complete, costly and damaging [avoidable] separation may not be avoided.

Scottish Independence

Never really married.

I Wish & Hope Scotland achieves a Genuine actual devolution.

An independent Scotland can then fully show Westminster up for the antique fossil coprolite that it is & enjoy Scotland’s position under the E.u’s ‘appointed dictatorship’ that it is & its development.

The crunch comes when the E.u take control of a ‘Combined European’ military. How would Scotland feel about Scottish Generals and soldiers posted to Portugal and French and Spanish Generals and forces stationed in Scotland? Very difficult to refuse anything after that. Would that be a line that Scotland would refuse to cross and face prosecution, fines & sanction force put upon ‘the Independent Sovereign Nation’ of Scotland?

By far the preference for Scotland should be a full independent administration away from Westminster with Scottish representative involvement in the British union at all levels with a combined interest in a safe and sensible reformed developent of the e.u administration 'limits' of governing and regulating 'a sngle market'.


Scottish independence took a huge leap forward after the Bliar government fulfilled its election pledge and followed the sensible trend [since the tenth amendment in 1791 of the United State Constitution] of devolving regional control. In Canada and Australia, devolution of regional powers to make decisions locally by the local residents was underway from the 1960’s through the 1970’s. [as examples.]

After hesitation [or ignoring the recommendation] by the review commissioned by the Wilson government in 1969, the Thatcher government during the 1980’s and then the Major government refused to consider any independent governing for the countries of Scotland or Wales.

Of course, it is right that local region administrations are best served by the people of the region. The details, specifics and representations are best served by the people that know the land, its specific differences and needs. From a cultural point of view, the individual culture of a people of a region is best expressed in the preferences and choices for their society and land. Individual differences in the culture of peoples is a cultural asset and a tapestry of the variety of local distinction and beauty. Multi culturalism accepted and included is not meant to destroy or eliminate local cultural distinction, [or is it?] it [multiculturalism] certainly should not mean that.

The Scottish people have many Great distinctive positive attributes. The word Canny, is used by Scots to describe a particular trait that is underlined and superseded beyond good and careful management of money. The underlying carefulness is based upon a sensible, cautious, logical approach to a land that is as dangerous as it is challenging. The lands of Scotland led to a hardy, tough, pragmatic breed of people distinctive by their region. Scottish people bring with them good thinking and skills [not unique but] founded amongst the most resilient and successful of peoples.

Not only should Scotland’s administration be in the hands of Scottish people but their skills would be an added asset to machinations by the varied representatives of the British Union.


In the angst and frustration of dealing with the English in Westminster, in the dried tarmac of their attitude to evolutions of administration and the cement of their authority in the idolisation of stubborn deafness, the Scottish independent minded group have developed a personality and attitude to Westminster akin to a granite chair being sat on by an elephant while it sits blithely admiring its southern view.

This reactive irate long-term annoyance seems to be causing a lapse in Canny thinking. While Scotland deserves and [all of the U.K] would benefit from Full Scottish regional governing and representation in the administrative decisions for the Union, Scotland is a country of only a few people and therefore it has [would have] an economic size limited by its per capita cycle potential.

A Scotland of 5 million people would find it difficult to maintain social, medical and educational funding, particularly under the legacy of Westminster’s recent apathy to the lack of national industrial and service investment and planning.

A Scotland separating fully from England / Westminster and perhaps introducing its own currency would likely lead to the hardship of an economic recession with government debt or national expenditure restructuring to feel like Philip Hammond had declared himself King of Scotland. Certainly, until Scotland were to reinvent itself as an Isle of Man or another union such as South Korea and America or Romania and Brussels.

"Sorry, Not interested. But, perhaps maybe if..

If Scotland applies and is accepted as a member state of the E.U, the E.U will agree if Scotland accepts a number of E.U requirements [modern specific] chief amongst them will be a maximum expectation of muslim refugees and a share of African economic migrants. Even if there exists a maximum number per % of population, Scotland’s problem of low numbers of people to available unused land would likely result in an exception to any E.U rule. A border would be required for goods and particularly people traveling south of the border into England.

The future of the E.U [in its current imperial form] is looking bleak. European countries tired of punitive authoritive directives are building up an energy of ‘populism’ [the people] that is starting to see the E.U commission as a blatant hostile take-over via their Constitutional administration enshrined by Treaty in Law.

A collapse of the commission [E.U] would result in [although temporary 10 yrs] a crash or collapse of the Euro currency. In a worst-case scenario a large number of 'Exits' and Germany would react fast to re-establish its Deutschmark to protect its economic position in the world.

At best Germany / the E.u will yield to European countries demands for sovereign respect and cooperation [as intend promised] at the inception of the European Union proposal.

Scotland would find itself tethered to a Euro-union titanic under attack by most member state battleships where the Bismarck of the E.u would once again be choosing between war, death or running. The Bismarck’s end would make Scotland look like a tethered overloaded 'E.u Hobbled inflatable.

By far the preference for Scotland should be a full independent administration away from Westminster with Scottish representative involvement in the British union at all levels with a combined interest in a safe and sensible reformed developent of the e.u administration 'limits' of E.u authority for governing and regulating member states access to 'the sngle market'.