
We are not bees.

Concept historical flaws:

[1] Authors view of people: Authors conclusion of management control of human energy. [2] Practical Application: [3] Idealist conflicts: [4] Outcome: Dominant Natural forces. 



[1] The Author:
Although in the preface of Das Kaipital Marx recognises that man's nature can within limits be changed to some extent, he then goes on to write a place for man that went against human natures.
Marx was a privileged intellectual that attempted to ratify the inequity of human society from the armchair of academia. He took a paternal standpoint approach from his Germanic cultural character and applied his algorithms hampered by the above and limited by the absence of his connection and position to the 'people' as a subject. With management as a solution without human development and evolutions included, the human element would be the panther in Marx's work. [a] As previously indicated although Marx refers to Darwin, man the animal and psychology, he did not include these fundamentals in his solutions to the human condition in a society.

- It kinds of sums up the legacy of communism and the now mostly abandoned Marxist theory that is now seen as only a thought process from the luxury armchair of a juvenile intellect, detached from real human nature and wallowing in a fetish for economics where human muscle was a commodity without the capacity for a superior creative intellect. -   

Due to the above, human nature becomes the overriding flaw in the society he formulated in his attempt to bring a solution to the strife, inequities and inefficiencies that he addressed.


[2] Practical Application:
History shows us that the attempts to install a socialist system has been constantly hijacked by the rubrics of the 'cult of personality' by the dominant pathological legacies of the dystopia that preceded the feelings of the facts of human and societal imbalances. [That continue today in both models]

The bias of application that emerges is forced through with the same human traits as the feudal imperialists of the past and the capitalists [that are here and more dominant] of today.

Instead of the cost cutting on a human level that lies as the base of exploitation in the [unregulated] capitalist system, [b] the socialist concept of equality and need under a general management system approach results in an equalisation to the lowest denominator of the day. Plunging a populous of a workforce furthermore into the realms of strife and despair. The commune becomes consigned to a drudgery of fair existence, with the concept of 'surplus' being lost in the gullies of bureaucratic constipation. The attempt to provide for the needs of the needy also results in a flawed and counterproductive dependency that then evolves to take advantage of the misguided social ambition and ironically becomes the dominating new 'surplus.'

In the modern concept of Socialist application today the problems and flaws above are added to by the failures of previous socialist governments economically. [U.K] Setting socialism constantly back in development and allowing the winning rise of the capitalist movement forwards until, the anger of the inequity felt by the populous once again puts the unmodernised Marxists back in charge of a country in a global capitalist world., [c] To once again trip up on the economic model, fail in development on a social level and miss the ambition of a species with any future objectives, from under their weighty retrospective menial objectives.


[3] Ideal improbability: [Idealists conflicts]
Overlooking the incompatibility of the socialist model within the dominant energies and the successes of the capitalist system in place and increasing globally, socialism for all of the preceding reasons would fail [a][b][c] in its ambition to bring productive balance and fair equality to the populous.

Putting aside the Machiavellian politik of individual desires of all the brands buoyant in societies here still on earth, the democratic is so maligned and unserved in philosophical development that one is left considering which historic system would better serve survival? Even if a cohesive education system would achieve a full consensus of agreement of socialist ambition for construct and use, society and social development would still stall. [a][b][c] Civilization would once again come to an impasse and conflict.. and ultimately, if the human condition did not develop beyond the regimentation of administrations of archaic concept, it would be socialist human society that would bring the species to an earlier extinction.  


[4] Outcome:
As it is today, the societies of the world are submissive to the invention in place known as economy. This alignment and dominance to the dependence for the welfare of quality of life and the very wellbeing of the spirit of the person, individually and collectively, leaves the human condition in grave danger, cyclically and terminally.

Socialism remains flawed, unproven, unmodernising and playing a hobbled, hobbling second fiddle to the preeminent capitalist model driving economy forward to a Grand Branch Dividian Wako End.