The Problems Within:

The British Governments, delegation, privatisation and foreign devolution and combined, therefore the abandonment of Governing [while in-continued-situ practice] intent:

Reason for Failure:

Zero Management Link throughout.

Cause of Failure:

A Lack of Public Management [Qualified] [Incentive and Reward]

An Analogy:

We all live on a massively small ship of a yellow submarine..

Imagine if you will –

’A fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.’ - The Twilight Zone.

– The ship-sub is heading true west {geographic} at the helm is the helmsman behind him/her is the bridge crew on duty. Command, 1St Officer, ship operations officer, engineering report station, helm, helm tactical, task operations officer, task operations tactical, geo physics officer, astrometrics station & tactical.

The ship operations officer oversees teams covering ship function, crew & compliment management & wellbeing, security, key role planning, logistics, adaptive solution team, ~improvement & evolution team, accountability and resolution team.

For many miles things went quite well. The ship-sub traversed its course and completed its tasks as encountered & directed with efficient professionalism. Occasionally on a regular basis problems & issues appeared that were diligently dealt with by the varied skilled teams in place [under a hierarchical command & training system] under the long-term selected & development {adaptive evolutionary} system in place. The systems had worked well for millennia and had evolved and adapted to keep the whole crew content, satisfied & happy with their lives on the ship-sub, throughout their years of individual existence.

Their lives were spent included & involved in ship activities and through their years, they moved around, changed occupations and could head in any operation direction that they chose [subject to aptitude, training success & time] For the most part the crew were happy and successful on the ship & off whenever they wanted* to be away [after adulthood & a {*period} of service for growth & training, *if they wanted to return.]  

There are individuals who showed a particular aptitude for certain skills and if they chose to pursue a commitment towards the use of those inherent able skills, they could be placed in the professional service area to benefit the ship-sub & the people on it. Some of those with a particular aptitude became so expert and adept that records were set at an undeniably high level. The system was working & things were going well.

But there was a minority of crew that were not happy with working their way up through the professions slowly and effectively. They wanted something else. They wanted things to change, to speed up, arriving at a professional destination tomorrow, not after years of experience and maturity. They wanted to have the job they wanted soon and devised ways to make it happen & work for them.

They coerced allies in command positions to convince them for ideological change, for the benefit, using bribery & coercion to ^create^ & agree to changes. Where a senior resistance was encountered, a replacement was found [after a sudden untimely death/.]

And so after a short time of campaigning on high with the obstacles overcome, the junior venture party called for democracy to be introduced to eliminate the inequity & the oppression of the youth power of today.   

"No longer do you have to wait. No longer will you need to serve in areas of oppression. No longer will you wonder what is going on. Why you must wait where you are. Who is making the decisions and if they are right or good. Why those decisions have lead to you to be waiting unnecessarily. You can overcome the oppression & make the decisions that they use to affect us all. Vote for me & You can vote for the decisions. You too could stand for election and be part of forming the decisions to be voted on. Vote for me to make a new future possible, A Future For Us!."

Youth A became Captain and all of the proven systems in place [That youth A had not learned or understood about & their stabilising and proved success rate and reliability] came under review.

Youth A had talent & skill but it was not a skill based on a philosophy honed with learning and seasoned with experience and set in a background of natural maturity.  

The coming years of command would contain the very opposites and erosion of the proven systems and lacking’s youth A possessed. Youth A placed his allies in command positions. He allowed a relaxing of training requirements & allowed experience gained by direct service & rapid promotion. Problems and issues were explained & the solutions found were no longer required to meet previous standards. A larger number of command posts were created and [with some functions ~dissolved] filled with allies & the elected. Debates were introduced to discuss ideas and find solutions. Elections for the many command posts were held regularly and debates became a full time activity. Retirements from posts were frequent & many.

By clever use of the electoral system, {and by using allies from the ideology, some bribery & coercion} youth A remained Captain until his death from old age.

The ship-sub carried on with the new system [All and any voice of opposition being dead and long gone] with the knowledge of the old system, gathering dust in the library of things not reviewed or taught. The sub-ship was different. It was listing and its colour was now grey rusty. It was not as efficient but there was no memory of the previous efficiency and along with the lost memory of the yellow colour the crew accepted without question [as though Normal] the rust, the chaotic order and the inclination to the listing variations of functions.

The Lesson from the above story is that while democracy has a valid & useful place in the function of a society, it [the inexperienced, the youth, the ignorant and the variations] should not be allowed [as with Ai] to take charge - of the whole of society for all of the functions of a society.

The knowledge, experience, wisdom, skill, aptitude and capbility that is not part of [or wants to be] the competitive ‘grasp for power’ becomes and remains alienated at great cost to the young, the communities and the Nation. 

Unless Parliament applies a developed, proven Constiutional System, mindfully applied and is Regarded as The Most Important Program application and

Without altering/adapting the existing, dysfunctional, imperfect, devolution of 'democratic' governments, with the best of a Country/Nation/Community's British people has available, they will remain out of use, a lost and wasted expertise and this/that will continue to affect and control Societies functions & Outcome. 

Additionally the NHS Management's is now eating our pie.
