A Family Philanthropic Trust to Convey Drive, health & Life Style [Concept]

Sprint: 750m Swim - 20km Ride - 5km Run.

Direct Lineage. Male & Female

‘My 100 million pound Trust Fund:’ 


At Age 18: Annual income (one quarter of Member of British Parliament salary)


At age 20: Annual Income to rise (to half of Member of Parliament salary)


If undertaking: A Degree in Sciences or Philosophy, History, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Art or Music.

Or Sporting career or achieve a Triathlon Sprint[*] time under 1:30. [Distances; Sprint: 750m swim - 20k bike ride - 5k run.]

Income rises to (one MP salary)


Graduation bonus: Lump sum (one MP salary) 


Age 25: Trust Fund Purchase [or sole use of] a personal residence City or rural to the average value of a London 2 bed house.


From Age 30: Annual income rise to (one full UK PM salary)

Addition: 1. If Triathlon Sprint times [based on the officially recorded {or trustee witnessed} time of sprint triathlon of under 1 hour 20 minutes [mimimum two a year of times] – bonus lump sum (one MP salary) per timed finish.

2. If a female marries after 29 bonus lump sum (one MP salary) and Income rises to (Two X Prime Ministers salary)


Age 35 onwards: If a Sprint time {previous year} was achieved in under 1.20 – [Bonus lump sum one MP salary] per recorded finish.


Single {one time} bonus at any age on achievement of Triathlon Sprint Time: Under 1:10. Bonus lump sum = (Ten X Prime Ministers salary)


If a male marries after age 42: bonus lump sum (one PM salary) and Income rises to (Two X Prime Ministers salary)



Age 50: a seat and 1 vote at the trustee’s annual table^.

[^a chair and vote at the trust table annual meeting includes trustee day fee (1 week MP salary) per meeting]


All ages: Use of the Founder’s summer holiday and winter holiday villas for life and end of life residences.

Children born before or out of marriage can be added to the trust.

Income ends at death.