Good British Manners [Wider British Culture & A Foundation Philosophy for growth]
You have an education system, now. It is negligent & incompetent not to teach in what you need & know is good & right.
Good ‘British’ Manners
Training in, young & Constantly, throughout standard & watch 'your training culture' change your society beyond your dreams in three generations..
Module 1A. [An Overview]
Politeness: [Speech & behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people] is the foundation of the Primo Facie relationship [based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise] {And therefore does not require deference & submission / subjugation to another.}
[Key Rule: Good Speech comes from good thoughts & good feeling]
Being polite in all first contacts / mass daily interactions keeps to a high standard of human exchanges [avoiding the growth of bad feeling {and also has the important effect, as an antidote training, repetition, upon people who harbour and escalate bad feeling, leading to bad thoughts, resulting in bad speech & actions}
Which seems better:
Thought leading to emotion, leading to action [Good Logical]
Emotion leading to thought, leading to action [Illogical, reactive, uncontrolled outcome]
Politeness is both a good conduct and a preventative force against the cultures of ill will.
Respectfulness: the act of and attitude to, is a key principle of humanities standard of core humanity.
Primo Facie: All people are equal in conscious existence & key rights.
People are not all equal. People are all different.
Some people are very different or & unique or & special. But because humans are a specifically evolved species culture generally, we would and do benefit from respect for every individual {Prima Facie} where it is pre-eminently delivered.
Consideration: the absence of respect is practically damaging where it is expected, with respect. The absence or withholding of respect in relations, is the primary cause of all that is bad, resulting.
Respect also has to be seen to move beyond first impressions /face2face and keep that standard in actions. [Prima Facie]
Key Rule: I wish the best for you, for us and for our future and my words will be matched by my actions / our actions, from respect.
Kindness: The highest human atribute by far is Kindness.
Key Rule: I wish the best for you, for us and our future and my words will be matched by my actions / our actions, from respect.
Not so long ago, after the second world war Britain was emerging with pride with growing optimism. The 60's gave rise to a positive youth culture. The 70's [post {intellectual} hippy movement had moved on into teaching and academia and therefore forming a play-on future of all that was good by the Beatnik fathers from America. The philosophy of both capitalism and socialism was coming in line for a populist* [*population democratic opinion] recalibration from the up-shift of philosophy that the [intellectual hippy] movement had caused.
Newton’s 1st law: Every object in a state of uniform motion or at rest will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.
The above applies to every form of material subject to physics, including a society / a generation of children, inevitably leading to a population of community.
The above movement is not dead but it has been swamped by other forces [or the lack of forces] that is in itself a force formative by default.
When workers were imported from other cultures at different stages of philosophies and nurture and nature from other parental methods established over great time that may have had good parenting protocols for the young emergent energies and how to harness and direct them and they were imported away from those societal protocols and then here in the peaceful, soft, different societal protocols that were by culture less adherent to harnessing young energy [British manners, deferential examples as training {long-term established culture} and a sudden departure from military disciplines] and loosening because of the neo-peace egalitarian rise of post-hippy attitudes, any new cultural imports would be subject to *the forces of their very new environmental upbringing. Where [in absence of adequate defaults and existing or upgrade protocols] a larger percentage [than calculated sensibly] appears in ratio towards previous forces, the focus changes from development of [new] examples to mitigation management and the growth of philosophy is [mostly] lost in problems management.
Within an inadequate reducing education and inclusion outcome for each generation of the nations young workforce, gaps of professional production appear along with disenfranchisement of purpose.
Here again you can hear the grown child’s voice of the extracted/attracted from their protocols of cultural defaults of upbringing emerging from the minimizing failure of Nation Britain’s educational and inclusion system, into a desert of directed opportunity [aggravated by the absence of their past working protocols – When working and good – prior to imperial interference and abandonment to western economic ‘temptations’ as the new default priority elders culture] within a crisis hit national philosophical development:
“Stop all the pain! How do you stop all the pain!? I used to hear a voice when I was praying but nowadays I don’t even want to be sane. Nar fuck that I don’t wanna be sane. I was born to be wild. I don’t wanna be tame. Talents in my blood and I don’t wanna be vane but if I’m a psycho then I don’t wanna be sane.”
The above is a calling to arms with an excuse for future defenses. [Newton’s 3rd law.]