Iran - A solution to sanctions & global economic exclusion:

In order for Iran to be accepted into the ‘world’ community the below maybe an option:

1. Iran recognises and accepts Israel as a Nation State.

2. Iran will not hostile attack Israel – [Israel must agree to not hostile attack Iran].

3. Iran will not finance or supply terror-ists that intend harm against the US & its allies.

4. Iran will not ‘develop’ a nuclear weapon – [as long as Israel agrees to decommission its nuclear weapons ‘in surrounding peace’ by 2065, in principle].

5. Iran formally applies to sign up to The Abraham Accord.   

6. Iran will allocate a region of Iranian land [27,000km2 ‘zone’] as the self Governing region of Palestine, The Republic of Iran. [National Laws agreed] [Subject to agreed funding for [‘zone’] Civic & urban/farming infrastructure – no mosque construction to be included]

7. Palestine/Palestinians will agree to relinquish all claim to their remaining land and relocate to the new allocated land of Palestine, The Republic of Iran. [Ownership of like for like ownership will be funded by the agreed international civic & urban/farming finance].

8. Iran will have all sanctions lifted and ended and be free to enter the global free trading market without any other hindrances while abiding by items 1-6.

9. The above must be agreed by a voting majority at the United Nations without a Veto being used.

Britain owes £400 million to Iran from a decades-old arms deal.

"It's a Ransom!"
"It's Blackmail. There is a Sanction. They have Malign Intent.."

'"It's a Refund!" Or Boris doesn't look good in a suit but the rest of you are just the same!.

The idea involves the UK returning £400m which the Shah of Iran paid in the 1970s to purchase 1,750 tanks and armoured cars from Britain.

The UK did not deliver the tanks after the Shah was overthrown and Iran has repeatedly demanded the money back. 

British officials have said privately that the money will have to be returned at some point but that it cannot be seen to be encouraging Iran’s arrest of Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe and other UK citizens. 

A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We do not, and have never, accepted any suggestion that the UK would pay Iran to release UK nationals who have been arbitrarily detained. They must be released unconditionally. The UK will not be blackmailed, and the Foreign Minister’s comments only bring the Iranian government further into disrepute.

Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has rejected a plea from the Foreign Office to hand over £400m owed by the UK government to Iran from a decades-old British tank sale, saying it is not prepared to give the money to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the Guardian understands.

The case is important because if the money were transferred, as an international arbitration court has ruled it should be, it is more likely that the jailed British-Iranian woman Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe would be released.

An international arbitration court ruled in 2009 that the UK must pay the money back but Britain’s own high court has yet to issue a ruling on the subject.' 

The Cancellation of the U.S Iran nuclear deal - A comment:

"It's a Refund! And Boris doesn't look good in a suit but the rest of you are the same!"

Is Iran on a peaceful trajectory or a war trajectory?
The nuclear deal does not prevent Iran’s acceleration of Iran’s development for conventional war faring.
The U.S views the regional future in the medium and long-term. Iran’s trajectory with its regained ability to raise funds and import international technologies puts Iran back on a route to conflict with Israel and other U.S allies [or the old foe of Islam’s republicans [Sunni] against Iran’s monarchists [Shiite] Islam.]
By far the biggest powder keg in the region is Israel’s refusal, avoidance and evasion of any share of land, area inclusion or even accommodation of the Palestinian people on land named and accepted as the state of Palestine.
The U.S’s unlimited support for Israel’s position of a fair and just regard for Palestine is an anomaly in contradiction with both the U.S constitution and with the U.S’s rhetoric for international law and order. The U.S’s support for Israel’s continued injustice not only compromises the principles of individual sovereign integrity of the U.S but is the key driving force of the medium and long-term outcomes of the middle east and wider by the international dominoes linking other stresses with U.S international relations.
‘’Death to America!!’’ is the long held national chant of Iran. This chant stems almost entirely from America’s staunch unlimited support for Israel’s behaviour towards Palestine and ‘Wider’ to the ‘’Promised Land.’’        
How long would it be before Iran is strong enough [well connected] and developed enough to no longer need U.S freedoms and abandons their cessation of refining fissile material? It would be a matter of time – Israel being the unflinching determining factor.
An Iran developed and technologically enabled and in the possession of ‘the bomb’ would be far worse than a limited Iran coming into the position of the bomb. If Iran were to kamikaze itself in the name of Allah under the gracious eyes of the pride filled profit for the Shiite followers, Iran would be much easier prevented, countered and debilitated than if Iran were developed, prepared and then nuclear weaponized. Therefore the U.S Iran deal as it stands is a liability to Israel and the wider stability of the oil nations of the middle east.
Long-term the safe future of Israel hangs in the balance on a weakened, controlled and conflicted state of the middle east. If this state is continued to the end of the oil value of the region then the region will likely remain weakened and as the U.S pulls its post oil ally investment from the region the conflicted Islamic states will descend into minor skirmishes that should continue into a perpetually reduced anarchy well under the supreme ability of Israel. As the area disintegrates in physical integrity without any residual oil wealth Israel will have little trouble physically or politically in expanding its boundary to include the full and complete promised land according to their book.
The U.S Iran deal is dead. Any insurrection from the outside beneficiaries of the deal favoured by Iran will come up against Uncle Sam weather in a shirt and tie, a tinted brim over green felt or U.S strategies via NATO.