Global Free Trade - Was an Ideal, 70 years ahead of its time. [At Least]

Falling at their manufactured hurdle and setting the clock back 90 years hard 50.

Most Global Ideals are good. Global trade, Free movement of people and services. Global equality. A global government. After all it is a small world mostly covered by water. Global tax, uniform and fair serving all the needs of our human economy. But even when that may come about, it/us will still need to be administrated locally in regions. Those regions will be based on population over area. The differences in region will vary the cost per capita need. Along with energy & water, there are food sources and cultural trends differences, that will always cause variations and differences in functions, dependencies & outcomes. All of the variations will therefore still produce differences within the ideal that will require different planning with regional tax stress variations.    

Unfortunately, such an ideal would require far more balance than we see today. [or for that matter from the inception of such an ideal] The fault [as usual] has been a rush to concept conclusion without any pacing to allow for trade and regulation to balance the global workforce and markets. In the rush, capitalised on by profit motivation over all other values we see manufacturing moving entirely because of cost reduction, rather than for skills and expertise driving the placement of industries of all types.

Furthermore, while there are variations or discrepancies of tax around the globe, both industrial location choices and tax payment locations add to the problems of the time of uniformity occurring. Add to the tax competition with tax free environments and the competition to attract industry, holds or even grows a reluctance to regulate for a workforce which further exacerbates standards and a global employment balance moves further away.

Additionally, in Europe we have seen all of the above being effected by recent banking trends that without good governments regulation has been capitalising on short term profits, illusionary money investing and on the part of nation lending, a complete abandonment of future economic investment policy. The same money hungry control that the bankers and business has displayed is shared by government populations along with an aversion and objection to regulations, checks and controls.

This sad human culture of money value and profit value over life style or philosophy has led to quite a dysfunctional addiction. We see the extreme dysfunction of this with African governments that are constantly portrayed to us in the west as helpless and in need when in fact their communities are uniformly neglected and abandoned by their governments, when it comes to investing their countries mineral assets into education, training and apprenticeships to grow a base cyclical growing economy.

In the short term to medium term a globally free market will remain damaging to countries where regulation and wages are higher. If global restrictions are not put in place to protect local national 'boundary' interests, there is a danger of social strains bankrupting a government as taxes exceed production. There was a time when local was the best, cleanest, most sustainable way and a benefit to communities by making them inter-dependant and bringing them closer together. But now the rush for the free trade movement ideal, which includes profit and tax, has led to growing regional fiscal pressures where items available locally are unloaded from aircraft and are delivered cheaper to a consumer, recently made unemoyed.  


I would like to hear the same in a British accent. Nothing is destroying local economies more than global free trade.


You Can Not Placate your way to a dominant Brexit.

Blind running into biased free' movements.

Global Capitalists Priorities Vs Regional responsible regulation.