British Human Rights:
Civilization ?
Improvements can only be made when change is accepted as being needed and commitment is made for that intent.
Basic Fundamental & Essential Human Rights:
{Work in Progress}
With the Britain leaving the E.U Britain faces leaving the European court of human rights. This provides an opportunity to create and set down a set of British Human Rights.
The European human rights [and U.N] went too far over what should be considered basic fundamental & essential human rights and included a number of rights that should be considered civil rights & privileges by a state. This confused the definition of the undersanding of human rights and opened up the judiciary to interpretations of human rights, to come into conflict with civil & criminal matters. [As we have seen]
The right to a family life has been retained and used as a defence successfully against a custodial sentence.
[*The following rights are withdrawn, if convicted of a crime, for the duration of term]
Basic Fundamental & Essential human rights & human rights can be divided into two categories 1. Basic British Fundamental & Essential Human Rights & 2. Human rights in a society.
Human rights such as the right to survive, preserve one’s life and reproduce without threat from or to violence or prevention of the above are a humans basic right on earth equal for all.
The right to an adequate living standard and social security is interpretive and examples of varying concepts of social welfare that should be considered individual community privileges [that may or may not benefit a community] and that should not be considered a human right but at most, civil rights, under equal opportunities granted to citizens as a right.
Basic British Fundamental & Essential Human Rights:
Right to Life, Liberty*, & recognition under the law
Right to freedom from torture [Excludes the definitions of prisoner punishment by confinement and agreed and accepted guidlines]
Right to freedom from Slavery
Right to Legal, Fair & Just Treatment
Right to a Civil Conduct Duty of Care
Right for Females to be Treaeted with Equality & in Attitude by the state & all other individuals in the state
Right for Children to be Treated well by their Parents [National Parental Training - when possible]
Right Not to Kill [to Refuse to partake in occupations & organisations that would result in killing humans or animals]
Right to Reproduce / have children / have custody of your children*
Right to the freedom of thought, speech & expression
Right to express your individual life choices & identity [Legally where no victimisation is caused]
Right to change your gender [In-Utero formed biological Sex Cannot be changed]
Right to own property & to secure & protect for personal use [Lethal when invasion has occurred]
Right to self defence to self preseve life [Lethal where lethal intent is exhibited]
Right to make & invent
Right to collect water*
Right to hunt, fish & breed live stock*
Right to make safe & controlled fire*
Right to personal security & defence
Right to freedom of movement, in country & to leave & return*
Right to freedom from arbitrary arrest, confinement & exile*
Right to rehabilitation in prison [when possible]
Right to death. {to self terminate}
Civil Rights:
[excluded from the above British F&E Rights - See British rights of the person]
Right to Equality
Freedom from Legal Discrimination and Degrading Treatment
The Right to Heresy
Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal
Right to Fair Public Hearing
Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty
Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence
Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution
Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It
Right to Marriage
Freedom for Belief and Religion
Freedom to Information
Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association
Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections
Right to Social Security
Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
Right to Rest and Leisure
Right to Adequate Living Standard
Right to Education
Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community
Right to vote*
Right to to stand for election*
Rights that make no sense, are contradictory & or silly since it is the state that facilitates & administrates the rights and services that cannot be guaranteed:
Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document
Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development
Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights